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Sunday, June 04, 2006

Catalyst for Change

I continue to be thrilled with the response to the recent article about my weight loss and triathloning in the local paper last month. I've got emails from old friends, acquaintances and people who are struggling in their own fitness or weight journeys. Thank you for your feedback and sharing your stories, keep them coming :)

Change can be daunting. Often we toil away trying to get something, anything done. To achieve a goal, finish a task, meet a requirement or just stay the course. But if you always do what you always did you'll always get what you've always got.

Taking this to heart has kept me exercising and eating healthy (some days are better than others). It's given me the courage to believe that I could do anything (even an Ironman). Most recently I decided to take a step back in the interest of change.

For many following my adventures you're well aware of the crazy, some might say ridiculous work and travel schedule I've kept this year. As you might imagine when you work 60+ hours week in and week out, jet off to places near and far, the stress and go, go, go mentality has taken its toll on my family life and my weight/training goals.

In spite of this I was comfortable in my job and so I sucked it up and hoped it would get better. It didn't and after returning from yet another trip I decided it was time for change. I would move to a different department at my company or I would find a new company. It was cathartic to go to my office and completely empty my cubicle. After 4 years I had accumulated 7 bags worth of books, pictures, my race numbers, finisher medals, gym clothes and coffee mugs.

I met with my manager and took the leap of faith. I didn't have another job lined up but my health, happiness and marriage were more important. Right now it's a waiting game, apparently no one is particularly pleased that I want to leave the department but they are trying to move me into a different role rather than have me leave the company. Stay tuned for the end result.

In the meantime I am happy and feeling at peace with my decision to make a change. My announcement seems to be spurring some good things which will benefit the rest of my team so I'm happy about that, even though I will be sad to leave such a great group of people wherever I end up.


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