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Monday, June 26, 2006

It's Official - I'm registered for Ironman

WOO HOO!!!! After a blazingly hot weekend in Coeur d'Alene volunteering and checking out the Ironman course, I took the plunge and registered for 2007.

I'm so excited!!!

I'll post more about my weekend tomorrow but for now after several years losing weight and tackling a variety of triathlons I am ready to go for that legendary designation of Ironman.

Can you tell I am psyched for June 24, 2007?



Blogger Ironayla said...

You are going to do great! I am so excited for you!!!

June 27, 2006 1:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to read about your journey! Your so inpsiring.

June 27, 2006 9:55 PM


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